Paper List
Page's The Brazilians vs. Greenberg's Blood Ties Life & Violence In Rural Mexico
Paint and symbols
Peasantry A Review of the Literature
Philip II of Macedon
Philippine Cultural Diversity
Physical Descriptions Of Biblical Patriarchs Influence Of Ancient Art
Play and Leisure Among Slave Children in the United States
Population Growth in Urban and Rural Areas
Poverty & Intelligence
Poverty in America
Pre 1500 Asia Cultural Change
Professional Sports Japan vs. the United States
Puerto Rican Migration & The Quest For Social Equality
Puerto Rican Migration Push & Pull Factors
Puerto Ricans & The Continuance of InnerCity Dwelling
Puerto Ricans on the Mainland
Religious Fundamentalism and Nationalism
Relocating Bushmen from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Repatriation of the Native American Sacred Pipe
Rites of Passage Native Americans vs. Today's Americans
Ritual Circumcision Cultural Significance
Rock an Roll & 20th Century American Culture
Rodges Lodge
Rudyard Kipling's 'Kim'
Samurai Japanese Culture
Science, The Bell Curve, & Racism
Settlement Mounds, Tells And Tepes
Sexual Behaviors of the Amazon People
Sidney W. Mintz Anthropologist
Sikh Organization and Policy
SissetonWahpeton Dakota Indians Family Tradition & Social Structure
Smiling & Contemporary Society Issues In NonVerbal Communication
Social Anthropology Insight Into Our Own Society and Culture
Social Anthropology Observations of Homosexuals
Social Systems Distinguished From Culture
Sociology of Humans & Animals
Sociology, Culture, & Learning A Theoretical Examination
Southern History, Southern Family
Spanish Immigrants To America
Spirituality of Neolithic Man The Relevance of the Megaliths
Suicide And The Native American
Symbolic Anthropology And Materialistic Anthropology: How They Relate To Idealism And Materialism
Tantric Tribes and Tantrism
The American Jewish Experience
The Americas A Tongue In Cheek Discussion of Masculinity and Rites of Passage
The Amish
The Art & Ritual Of Stiltwalking
The Art of Prevarication A Cultural Perspective Why People Lie
The Aztecs and Cortez’s Spanish Conquistadors: Conquest or Colonization?
The Bull and the Virgin Two Very Different Spanish Symbols
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