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Alex Kotlowitz/ 'There are no children here'

reader how the millions of other inner-city children also live. Lafayette (12 years old) and Pharoah (9 years old) are African Americans and live with their mother in the

HIV/AIDS & African American Women

of the US female population, they account for over 67.4 percent of all HIV-positive women and over 52 percent of all fully diagnosed AIDS cases (Williams, et al, 2003). This

Africana Studies

his own parents. This is only one aspect of the complexity of Africana studies, of course. The interdisciplinary field of study also

African American Studies: Definition

center in every persons mind to illustrate how barbaric the human race can be to its own and to hopefully learn from such historic faux pas so they never happen

African-American Youth Public Speaking And Community Relations

(Hansen, 2008). It doesnt even have to be a formal speech, students fear speaking out in class (Hansen, 2008). The problem is so prevalent that many colleges have initiated classes


sides of the issue and their discussions. First, it will be helpful to review what, exactly Pan-Africanism is. Essentially, Pan-Africanism is a

Modernism In African-American Poetry

significance of time-consciousness in modern work (Low 111). On the other hand, Echeruo points out that around a hundred years or so ago, modernism was the fashion; but he

Breast Cancer in African American Women:

both frightening and disturbing (African American Breast Cancer Facts, 2002). The evidence clearly supports the assumption that breast cancer poses a greater risk to African American women than to

Blacks' Relationship to Whites/Sociological Analysis

status for African Americans in relation to the dominant nature of Caucasian European-descended Americans. Theoretical framework Sociological theoretical perspectives relative to minority relationships to dominant groups encompasses a

Improving Public Speaking Skills among African American Students within a High School Institution

public speaking skills. Why are these skills so important? Because they can mean the differences between a high school diploma and a college degree, a blue-collar dead-end job

Is Cultural Anthropology a Science?: An Address of the Interrelationship of the Qualitative verses the Quantitative Approach

which erupts in response to what the Lee family perceive as an arrogant and uncaring medical establishment. Although revealed in the pages of a novel, these conflicts closely parallel

Anthropological Method To Hinduism

culture, writing ones observations, pondering, active participation in the culture or society being studied, studying poetry by and about members of the culture, studying historical documents, studying linguistic processes, considering

he Prevention and Treatment of Chlamydia in African American Adolescent Female Populations

issues related to the spread of untreated chlamydia, nursing researchers have determined the need to assess risk-taking behaviors, including increased unprotected sexual behavior and sexual activity with multiple partners, and

How Performance Studies has Benefitted from Anthropology:

linked with anthropology as well, by applying an analysis of human similarities that unite all people in all times from all geographic locations (Fortier). Sub-fields of anthropology are often

Hypertension in African Canadians & Dietary Factors

explanation for this is that it may be genetic, but no causative gene has been located (Forrester, 2004). Non-genetic susceptibilities, such as fetal programming also provide a possible explanation. Theoretically,