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on the other. French Jewish children are victims of anti-Semitism as well - the reason for the disdain there is a "widespread belief" that the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were

Langston Hughes: African American Poet

of several notable Southern black writers emerged. Among this emergence was the work of Langston Hughes. Trussell (2003) writes that Hughes poetry rang out in the literary world:

African Research/Contributions to All Disciplines

The first essay is by Sally Falk Moore, "Changing perspective on a changing Africa: the work of anthropology." Moore argues that it is virtually impossible to train an anthropologist

Scipio Africanus on the Nature of War

immutably in the high heavens" (Liddell Hart, 2004, p. 1). He suggests that this is why we remember Lee, not Grant; and Napoleon, not Wellington (Liddell Hart, 2004). Further, he